We believe that the best product is one which complies with excellent quality, reliability and price standards, and which has been grown and marketed in line with respect for the environment and the universal human rights of those who have worked on the product.

Our concerns over protecting the environment have led us to implement a programme of continuous improvements which we carry out more through conviction rather than a need to comply with legislation. This programme takes in both production and administrative processes and is so deep-rooted in the company that it has become part and parcel of our business culture.
The processes that have been implemented are:

  • €Control and reduction of energy use that may have a negative impact on the environment.
  • Identification and management of waste generated in our activities.
  • Identification and prevention of possible emissions and spills generated in our activities.

Our commitment to managing resources also extends to our offices and office staff. Reducing the amount of paper we use or using recycled paper, managing waste and making the most of natural light are part and parcel of our daily tasks. These attitudes also change mindsets and encourage further improvements.

Ramafrut S.L. Valencia
C/. Fray Luis Amigó, nº 40
46180 Benaguasil • Valencia

Ramafrut Internacional. Panamá
Vía Interamericana Km 122
Corregimiento del Chiru, Anton, Cocle

Ramafrut. Senegal
Lieudit Cité Malick Sy, Villa Número 101